Different Types of Bail Bonds
In the United States, several different types of bail bonds are available. These bonds are typically issued to first-time offenders on nonviolent charges. They require that the defendant appear at all scheduled court dates and commit no crime while out on bail. This type of bail is typically the least expensive and is a great way to get out of jail quickly.
Cash bail
Cash bail bonds Scranton PA differ from other types of bonds in many ways. The first is that the money that a person pays upfront is nonrefundable, unlike different types of bonds. Moreover, cash bail bonds are often more expensive than other bonds. As a result, many people cannot afford to pay them.
Cash bail bonds require that the person pay the full bail amount, usually via cash, credit cards, or a payment plan. When an accused person poses a flight risk or a danger to the public, these bonds are frequently employed. However, they are forfeited if the accused fails to appear for the scheduled trial.
If cash bail bonds are inappropriate, people can use property bonds instead. These bonds allow the defendant to use their property as collateral if they fail to appear in court. In addition, they are suited for low-level crimes where there is no risk of flight.
Surety bail
Surety bail bonds differ from cash bonds in several ways. The first is that surety bonds involve a third party. For example, a bail bondsman is hired to post bail for an individual who is being held in jail. The bonding company agrees to post the defendant’s total bail amount in return for a nonrefundable premium, which is generally 10% of the total amount. The bail bond amount is set by a judge, who considers the defendant’s situation and the bail amount.
Surety bonds differ from cash bonds because they do not usually require collateral. Surety bonds are used when an accused person cannot afford bail. The bail agent, typically a surety company employee, will go to court with the accused person to post bail. The bail agent will issue an arrest warrant for the defendant if they fail to appear for trial. The court also allows bail agencies to hire bounty hunters to search for the defendant if they do not appear. The entire amount is forfeited if a person does not appear for their court date.
Surety bail bonds are different types, but the basic process is the same. Often, bail bonds are secured by collateral, but there are also unsecured and cash bonds. Some of these bonds require a bonding company to guarantee payment of the bail amount, while others require only a premium to activate the coverage.
Exoneration bail
Exoneration is a legal procedure in which a defendant is cleared of all charges against them and is no longer guilty. It has many benefits, but the process is lengthy and complex. An exoneration bail bonds firm can assist you if a loved one of yours has been imprisoned, been detained on suspicion of a crime, and are worried that they might not show up for bail.
The exoneration process involves a court-approved procedure in which a defendant is released from custody while awaiting trial. The court will give the defendant the paperwork they need to remove themselves from control. Once released, the defendant must appear in court at the agreed-upon date and time. Furthermore, the bail agency will lose the collateral if the offender skips a court appearance or disobeys a court order.
The court may refuse to grant exoneration bail if the defendant repeatedly skips court dates or fails to appear as instructed. Further, if the defendant commits multiple crimes while on bail, it can result in their bail being revoked.
Forfeiture bail
Forfeiture bail is a type of bail that is based on the surety’s non-appearance. The surety is a third party who guarantees the defendant’s appearance in court. The surety will have to pay the forfeiture judgment if the defendant does not show up. The most common reason for forfeiture is death, physical or mental incapacity, deportation, or confinement in a detention center.
Forfeiture bail rules vary from state to state. In addition, the rules vary among counties. All forfeiture laws are subject to federal constitutional protections. However, most forfeiture laws require that a court send a notice to the defendant and any third-party guarantors (usually a bail bondsman). The defendant will usually have an opportunity to file a motion to prevent forfeiture.
The court takes the money paid to release the defendant when bail is forfeited. In addition to paying back the bail money, the court may enter a guilty plea against the defendant. It is because the court will not be able to defend the defendant at trial if the defendant has forfeited their bail bond.